You Have Been Shortlisted- Here’s What You Need To Do Next

All those days of staring at your Internshala dashboard, hoping for getting a positive response, are over. Your hard work paid off. You have cleared the first step. Now, what?
You are likely very excited, and rightfully so, since you’ve obviously done things right so far. Now, you need to make sure you are the one who gets that internship offer. There are four likely outcomes after you have been shortlisted. Understanding what to expect and preparing beforehand will increase your chance of grabbing that offer letter.
1. You are given an assignment to complete:
Say, you are shortlisted for a content writing internship and you are supposed to write an article on a given topic, within a day. Or maybe it is a programming position and the employer wants you to write a small piece of code. Keep in mind these points:
- Be original; plagiarized content can be easily found. If you can Google it, they can too!
- Respect deadlines; if you can’t complete the given task before the deadline, request for the extension in advance.
- If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to ask.
- Be creative; your creativity gives you the edge over other applicants.
2. You are called for an interview:
So you’ve got your foot in the door and it’s time for you to shine at the final stage – the interview. It could be a telephonic, Skype, or a face-to-face interview, depending on the employer. Here are some tips for acing an interview:
- Know the company; do your research (go through the company website, social media links etc.) and keep some stats & questions ready.
- Have a clear vision – why you want the specific position, and how you would be a good fit. Also, go through your application (you can find a link to it on your Internshala dashboard) thoroughly.
- Be interactive. It’s an interview, not an interrogation. There is much more to you than your resume.
- Practice goes a long way; take mock interviews with your friends or practice speaking before a mirror.
For more tips on cracking a telephonic or video (Skype) interview, see this infographic.
For a better insight into the most common interview questions, and how to answer them, read this article.

3. You directly receive an offer letter:
It’s rare, but sometimes you do get an offer letter directly based on your application. You start planning the celebration, but remember some points before you go into that party mode:
- Get it in writing – a verbal job offer is nice, but it’s only as strong as the paper it’s printed on.
- Go over the written offer in detail. Make sure all important details (such as work profile, start date, duration, and stipend etc.) are mentioned and ask questions if you don’t understand anything.
- Send a thank-you letter to the employer, once you accept the offer.
- Follow up with an e-mail confirming your start date and expressing your enthusiasm for your new role.
4. There is no further communication from the employer:
It’s tough when you have to face this situation but with the ever-increasing competition, you may find yourself in this position. Here’s what you could do next:
- If you don’t get a response, it’s time to move on. Maybe the company found someone better already. Don’t lose hope – with every application you make, you learn something and your chances of landing your dream internship improve.
- Review your profile and make changes like adding more prior experiences, projects etc. to your Internshala profile (by clicking on Edit Profile).
- To further strengthen your profile, you can undertake new projects in your area of interest, take up few online courses, or undergo some training. One must never stop learning.
Hope these tips are useful and help you convert your internship status from shortlisted to successful.
If you have ever been shortlisted and have something more to add, then we would love to hear; comment below.
Wait, what? You haven’t applied to any internships yet? What are you waiting for? Register on Internshala and kickstart your career with an amazing experience.
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