While you are at work, an emergency situation might arise at home or otherwise. This might require you to take a leave of absence for a certain period of time
Just when you thought you were done with the interview, the interviewer throws a curveball in the form of a question, “Do you have any questions for me?” The urge
Answering the question of what makes you unique might seem like a simple question to ace. However, this is a question that has frozen a lot of interview candidates. Therefore,
According to a survey, almost seventy-five percent of candidates consider the reputation of a company as the key metric when applying for job opportunities. Therefore, you need to strategize to
Do you want to lighten the load of your rental costs while taking advantage of tax savings? Understanding what is HRA is a key part of managing your salary package.
Writing an effective cover letter is key when looking for a job. Recent research revealed that 83% of hiring managers said that a great cover letter format affects their decisions,
In the business sector, performance appraisal is an essential process that enables organizations to assess the productivity of their staff. It is a useful tool for highlighting successes, identifying areas
Finding the right job in today’s competitive market can be tough. While people often prioritize getting an offer, it is just as important to have the power to turn down
The first impression is the last impression. Do you want to grab the attention of the recruiter right from the beginning of the recruitment process? Use headlines in your resume
With more than ninety thousand start-ups in India today, the need to discuss business strategy has become important. But are you aware of different types of business strategies? This blog
You must have heard the phrase, “First impressions last the longest”. This saying holds true especially if you are a job-seeker. The job market is extremely competitive and to increase