Reading & Writing Assignment (9) – The Habit
What will you do in this assignment? – You would read something entertaining, watch a video on it, and then answer a question.
And before we forget, do you remember what we recommend you to do if you want to improve your English communication skills? Yes, just like these assignments, read and write every day.
Today’s situation:
“We become what we repeatedly do” – Sean Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.
Each one of us has some or the other peculiar habits that define us. I, for example, sleep at 9:00 PM(ish) and find it really hard to stay awake beyond 10:00 PM. If you have ever lived in a hostel, you can imagine how much fun I must have missed out on.
The other habit I have is that I can never say no to a cup of tea, even at 11:00 PM in sleep :). Another common habit that I believe I share with many is that I procrastinate – always leaving stuff to the last minute, especially the things that I do not enjoy (like course assignments, writing appraisals, making presentations etc.).
A friend of mine, back in college, was known for excessive compulsive hand gestures and movements while speaking. “Tie his hands if you want to shut him up,” went the joke. :)
In TV series Friends, Monica had OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder). She was obsessed with things being clean and in an order – exactly as she wanted. She would not be able to sleep otherwise. Watch the clip below and see for yourself :)
Tip – If you are looking to develop a new habit (say exercising regularly, or becoming punctual), just do it for 21 days continuously without fail. After that, it would become naturally ingrained in your subconscious and become a habit. Go ahead, try it! There is a lot of science behind this advice and it works for most of the people.
Question for you– Describe a particular habit that you have and what reactions does it get you from people? Has it ever got you in any trouble or may be helped you? Please write your answer (min 100 words) in the comments below. If you are struggling to think of an answer for yourself, you can write about the peculiar habit of one of your friends or family members too.
You can also read fellow students’ answers but do so only after you have submitted your own answer so that you don’t get influenced by what others wrote. We also encourage you to share your feedback, appreciation and thoughts against others’ answers. Remember, it is a community effort and we are all in it together :). Only when you participate, you can expect others to participate and share feedback on what you wrote. Deal?
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