Summer Internship with GE – Dipanjan from IIT Madras
Daily Winner for: – 7th August 2011
Name of the intern: – Dipanjan Chatterjee
Institute: – IIT Madras
Organization interned with: – General Electric
A semester full of mental agony, tension and disappointments came to an end most unexpectedly when my phone rang an unknown number, and out of nowhere I got an internship offer in GE-India Technology Centre, Bangalore.
I distinctly remember the first day when all my enthusiasm crash-landed in an ocean of boring PPTs, only to be revived on seeing my own cubicle with a name-plate, a computer and an intercom. By the second day, I was with my team and although miles away from the formal introduction they gave us, this is how I really remember them: Ijaz- the nerd, Harish- the playboy, Prasad- the clown, Tanya- the gossip girl, Aarthi- the girl with all the work, Vidushi – the girl with no work, Manini- the girl next door and finally the most popular Arun- the girl or guy??(still a question)
Now, although my job title said “IP analyst”, whose work was to search for, analyze and propose credible ideas and inventions which added to the company’s already formidable IP reservoir, but as I eventually realized, it was slogging through literally thousands of patents, research papers, client meetings and not to mention presentations again, such that at the end of the day, you could hardly relate to anything else. And ironically we had to work under strict confidentiality laws. But by the end, to have made 3 such propositions all receiving such delightful reviews from the clients, makes me proud and the entire experience even more unforgettable.
But irrespective of whatever it seems like, work at GE was never work, only due to the people mentioned above, our lunch hour antics and pranks, those thousands cups of coffee that we gulped down, those hours of TT we used to play every evening after work, the excellent support from the management at GE, the DJ-nite and the cricket match with the employees, even after over a year I still seem to remember every minute of those days…like a dream.
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