Weird interview questions of 2013 and how to answer them
No matter how much we prepare for the “Tell me about yourself” or “What is your weakness” and other routine questions, we can never predict the outcome of an interview. Nowadays, a new trend of asking uncommon questions has emerged and all big companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft etc ask bizarre questions while interviewing. So, are they looking for the answer or are they looking for something else?
When we come across a bizarre question, we are generally thrown off by it. A hiring manager won’t know the answer either; there is no perfect answer to these questions; but he will closely gauge you on the WAY you come to the solution. He wants to know whether you can keep your cool in a tough situation and how would you arrive at a possible solution. He wants to know if you can be creative enough to impress him rather than saying “I don’t know” (If you really don’t, just ask if you can come back to the question later, he will appreciate your honesty and that you kept your composure).
Always take your time while answering these weird questions. Remember, no matter what is thrown your way, keep a smile on your face. Take a deep breath and think about your answer for a moment. A little time before answering the questions is much better than any awkward silence that may prevail if you blurt something without thinking.
Another way of handling these questions is to relate it back to the position you are applying for. For example, suppose a candidate is being interviewed for a sales position and is asked, “How lucky have you been?” to which he replies “Very unlucky, I never win anything”. What kind of impact you think this would make on the employer? In sales, positivity is a factor in deciding the job and a candidate with “Yes, very” would have a much better chance.
Let’s have a look at some of the most outrageous interview questions from the past year and the most voted answers to them!
1. How many cows are in Canada? –Asked by Google
Let me Google it.
2. How would you rate your memory? –Asked by Marriott
Great! I can’t think of anything I have forgotten.
3. A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here? –Asked by Clark Construction Group
He will say, “Hi! Hire Kim as she would prove to be a great asset for your company. BTW, can I have some ice?”
4. Warren Buffet walks into your office and says you can have a million dollars to launch your best entrepreneurial idea. What is it? –Asked by Amazon Product Development
You’re going to offer me $1 million even before you know what my idea is?
5. If you were on an island and could only bring 3 things, what would you bring? –Asked by Yahoo!
1. Iron Man Suit. 2. Not necessary, I have an Iron Man Suit. 3. Not necessary, I have an Iron Man Suit.
6. What kitchen utensil would you be and why? –Asked by Bandwidth
Food processor- I’ve got multiple tools to use for different situations, and can easily mix diverse ingredients for an optimum result.
7. How would you get a giraffe to go inside a room? –Asked by Bloomberg L.P
Easy, open the door for him.
8. If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out? –Asked by Goldman Sachs
I would climb out of it by a rope I had with me.
9. How honest are you? –Asked by Allied Telesis
Honest enough to inform you, your question sucks.
10. What’s the color of money? –Asked by Goldman Sachs
An 80’s movie about Pool hustlers staring Paul Newman and Tom Cruise.
Can you come up with something even more witty? Comment below with the question no. and your answer! :-)