How to Answer “What Makes You Unique?” in Interviews (With Sample Answers)

Answering the question of what makes you unique might seem like a simple question to ace. However, this is a question that has frozen a lot of interview candidates. Therefore, to effectively give a quality response to the question, it is important you reflect on your personal strengths and abilities that make you stand out from others. In order to help you structure your words professionally, we have curated sample answers and various tips that can enhance your chances of securing the job.
Understanding the Concept of Uniqueness
Being unique is acknowledging and recognizing what makes you different in various aspects of life. It is the ability to understand the characteristics and qualities that make you stand out. This can be a combination of your self-identity, life experiences, and sometimes genetics. However, this does not mean that “no one can do the things you do”, it simply means that “no one can do the things you do in the way you do them.” Thus, this is what makes you unique.

Why do Employers Ask, “What Makes You Unique?”
Here are various reasons recruiters ask candidates to describe their unique traits:
1. To Assess Your Personality:
Basically, this is a chance for you to put out all your qualities, not just your certification but your personality skills. At this point. What matters most is your body language, tone of voice, and confidence. The idea is to make the recruiter see and understand how fit you are for the role.
2. Gauge if You are Fit for the Role:
Recruiters ask this question to ascertain if you are the right match for the job vacancy. For instance, you can’t be talking about how good you are with dogs in a technical interview. Answering a question divergent from what a recruiter asks will imply that you didn’t do research, which is a cardinal rule. Therefore, it is important you speak on the basis of the job role.
3. Test Your Soft Skills:
Your recruiter must have had other candidates say the things you say, but what makes you unique is how you say it. Therefore, while being assertive, also be creative and dynamic with your response.
Learn business communication to better understand how to communicate professionally in the workplace.
Also Read: Interview Etiquettes.
How to Answer the Question “What Makes You Unique?”
The trick to putting yourself out there without sounding narcissistic or boastful is understanding what a recruiter really wants to hear. Essentially, you don’t want to say what your recruiter wants, however, it is best to know the rules for answering questions. Here are some guidelines for answering this question professionally.
1. Highlight Your Previous Experience:
This is where you put your best cards on the table. In order to be professional with your response, assess your previous positions and what made you stand out in them. Such as things you have previously received accolades for. Reflect on qualities that have impressed your past employers and highlight them.
2. Correlate Your Skills with the Company’s Objectives:
It is very important that your unique qualities align with the company policies and goals. While making the recruiter understand what you can bring to the table, endeavor to also point out how your qualities can drive efficiency and growth for the organization. Thus, whatever qualities you are highlighting, they should be in alignment with the organization’s goals. A person is not automatically qualified to speak in public simply because they have the habit of talking excessively. You must describe how your qualities may improve particular facets of the organization.
For instance, it’s okay to explain to your recruiter how your talent as a team player might assist in resolving disagreements inside the company. Emphasize how your ability to work well with others allows you to step in during a dispute and help coworkers resolve their differences amicably. Also, patience, teamwork, and management ability are examples of skills you can highlight. It makes no difference what your skill might be, what is important is how you can employ the skill to the advantage of the organization’s growth.
3. Point Out Personality Traits and Abilities:
You could have an advantage over other applicants if you demonstrate the traits that you know are distinct to you. Traits such as extroversion, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness are major traits that drive organizational growth. Pointing out how any of these traits influence your motivations and output will set you apart from other candidates.
Also Read: Why Should We Hire You.
Tips to Help You Answer, “What Makes You Unique?”
Here are practical tips to guide your response to describing your unique traits:
1. Avoid Generic Phrases:
In an interview, the need to seem and sound professional could lead to the use of cliched language. Employers may tell when you are not being genuine if you use phrases found online. The goal is to be authentic and let recruiters know that picking you would be the best decision they could make.
2. Exude Confidence
Nerves during interviews might cause you to forget to speak about important things. So, make a mental note to relax and speak slowly yet confidently when you are really apprehensive. Body language and tone of voice are very important during an interview. Keep your body and arms moving, avoid becoming overly stiff, remain cool under pressure, and make eye contact occasionally. During an interview, your knowledge alone won’t be enough to elicit a positive response from the recruiter. Here’s a common episode that every working professional will relate to,
“A coworker of mine once related how he prepared for a presentation but went blank in the middle of it. Yet he continued to speak and make motions while keeping his body language. In the end, he received praise for his presentation. Even the colleague realized he made a mistake, but his confidence helped him get out of it. It is impossible to overstate the importance of confidence.”
3. Be Honest
Rather than lying or exaggerating your qualities, it is preferable to emphasize your best traits and let the recruiter know that you’re eager to pick up the others if the firm is amenable to it. Stress how quick you are to learn and how flexible you are, being sincere will save you a lot more stress than lying about your unique qualities.
4. Be Specific
When answering the question of what makes you unique or special, try not to be generic, and be detailed when describing your strengths and how they set you apart. You don’t have to list seven or ten unique traits. Instead of addressing everything at once, you might focus on the major traits you are aware would set you apart. You may feel the need to overcompensate when you are anxious. Answer the question that is posed directly and avoid veering off-topic.
Also Read: Top Interview Tips.
7 Sample Answers to, “What Makes You Unique”
- “I have a talent for quickly recognizing issues and coming up with inventive answers. At my last part-time job, I took charge of refining the customer assistance system, which resulted in a 45% lift in client satisfaction. This is an example of how dedicated I am to reach excellence while constantly attempting to better things.”
- “I strive to progress in my field by staying on top of current trends and practices. Through attending conferences, reading up on the latest industry news, and taking courses, I am equipped with fresh ideas that help me excel at what I do. This dedication allows for a deeper understanding which is beneficial for growing as an individual professionally.”
- “My resourcefulness and creativity make me an expert problem solver. I can come up with unique solutions to any challenge, even when resources are few or constraints exist. This skill allows me to work effectively without having all the tools at my disposal.”
- “I possess an ability to be very thorough and take notice of small details, thus, allowing me to identify any flaws or inconsistencies that may have gone overlooked. This lets my team’s work productivity remain high while helping us save time in the overall process. Moreover, it also helps avoid any further troubles arising down the line.”
- “Over the previous years of working remotely, I have honed my communication and time management skills to a high level, which would be an advantage for this team.”
- “By working in various industries, I was able to obtain a holistic view of how things should be done. This has provided me with the ability to tackle tasks and projects with distinct yet effective strategies.”
- “Being in a leadership role for an extended period has enabled me to hone my skills when it comes to guiding teams and making important decisions. Furthermore, I have used this experience as the foundation that allows me to motivate those around me leading towards generating productive and inspirational work environments.”
Also Read: How to Answer Interview Questions Confidently.

It is essential to understand that you are expected to emphasize qualities that make you stand out when answering the question of what sets you apart from other candidates. When answering this interview question, you should be concise and direct with your response. We hope these answer samples, tips, dos, and don’ts when asked what makes you unique has been educational for you.
Also Read: Common Interview Questions.